If there's one thing I've learned from my many years as a rumors expert, it's that I simply don't have the time to list every rumor I hear from my insider sources - there are just too many! This can, unfortunately, lead to situations where a so-called "credible" source reveals something that's coming out very, very shortly that I've never mentioned before, leading people to wonder how it is that I know about what's coming out six months from now (pending playtests), but not next week. This has led some jealous individuals to label me "an attention-seeking fraud", "a liar" and "the reason I can't be bothered reading the Warseer rumor boards anymore". Thankfully, the mods appreciate me and have shut down such baseless and slanderous accusations.
According to 75hastings69 AND ME
- Daemons in February 2013
- Nurgle fly things.
- Other things 75hastings69 said; I wasn't really paying attention.
But just to prove I'm not just copying someone else's rumors, here's some info you can get ONLY FROM ME:
- Hardback army book.
- In color.
- Contains background, rules and gallery sections.
- Paragraphs "composed of multiple sentences".
- "at least" two new plastic kits and "some" finecast kits.
- "The bloodlust of Khorne knows no bounds..." - sounds dangerous!
- Malal is not in it, but may be alluded to.
- Slaanesh designs "hard to fap to" and "a let-down, because apparently there aren't enough tits on the internet".
- Khorne stuff will be red, I guess.
Sounds epic!
Over and out,
Paragraphs "composed of multiple sentences".